Who Kills Eren? Unveiling the Mysterious Fate of Attack on Titan’s Protagonist

The Rising Tensions: Clues Indicating Eren’s Potential Demise

As fans eagerly await the final season of Attack on Titan, there is one question that lingers in everyone’s mind: Who kills Eren? With the fate of the protagonist hanging in the balance, the anticipation reaches new heights. In this blog post, we will explore the rising tensions and delve into the clues that indicate Eren’s potential demise.

1. Foreshadowing through Symbolism

Throughout the series, Attack on Titan has been known for its intricate symbolism. From the enigmatic key to the ominous bird imagery, the narrative often uses symbols to hint at future events. In recent episodes, we have witnessed Eren’s character arc taking a dark turn, aligning him with a path of destruction. This foreshadowing suggests that Eren’s actions may lead to his own demise.

Expert perspective: According to literary experts, symbolism is an effective tool used by authors to enhance storytelling. It adds depth to the plot and can foreshadow significant events. In the case of Attack on Titan, paying attention to the symbolism can offer valuable insights into Eren’s potential fate.

2. Rising Moral Ambiguity

As the story progresses, the lines between right and wrong become increasingly blurred for Eren. His once unwavering moral compass is now clouded by vengeance and a desire for freedom. This moral ambiguity opens up the possibility for Eren’s demise, as his actions may lead to dire consequences and internal conflicts within the story’s universe.

Expert perspective: Renowned psychologists emphasize the importance of maintaining a strong moral foundation. When individuals veer off their ethical path, they risk facing severe repercussions. Similarly, Eren’s moral ambiguity puts him at risk of losing not only his life but also his integrity.

3. Sacrificial Archetypes

Throughout literature and storytelling, sacrificial archetypes have played a crucial role in shaping narratives. These characters often make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good. In Attack on Titan, Eren’s relentless pursuit of freedom and protection of his loved ones aligns him with the sacrificial archetype. This archetype suggests that Eren’s demise may be necessary for the resolution of the story.

Expert perspective: Joseph Campbell, a renowned mythologist, highlighted the importance of sacrificial archetypes in storytelling. According to Campbell, the hero’s journey often involves sacrifices that serve a greater purpose. In dissecting Eren’s character, it becomes apparent that his potential demise may be an essential component of the story’s resolution.

4. Character Arc Culmination

As the protagonist of Attack on Titan, Eren’s character arc has been one of the most captivating elements of the series. From his humble beginnings as a determined soldier to his transformation into a complex and morally ambiguous figure, his journey has kept fans hooked. With the series nearing its conclusion, Eren’s potential demise could serve as a powerful culmination of his character arc, providing a satisfying and impactful conclusion to his story.

Expert perspective: A well-crafted character arc is vital for a compelling narrative. According to writing experts, the culmination of a character’s journey often carries profound significance. In the case of Eren, his potential demise could represent the ultimate fulfillment of his character arc and leave a lasting impact on viewers.

As we eagerly await the final season of Attack on Titan, the rising tensions surrounding Eren’s potential demise continue to captivate audiences worldwide. Through the use of symbolism, moral ambiguity, sacrificial archetypes, and character arc culmination, the narrative hints at the possibility of Eren’s ultimate fate. So, brace yourselves for an emotional rollercoaster as the series comes to an epic and shocking conclusion.

Key Facts

  • Eren Yeager is the protagonist of the popular anime and manga series “Attack on Titan”.
  • Throughout the series, Eren plays a crucial role in the fight against the Titans, using his Titan shifting ability to protect humanity.
  • The question of who kills Eren remains a mystery, as the series has not yet concluded.
  • The fate of Eren’s character will be revealed in the final season of “Attack on Titan”, set to air in 2021.
  • There are several theories and speculations surrounding Eren’s potential killer, but no definitive answer has been confirmed.
  • Some fans speculate that Eren may sacrifice himself for the greater good, while others believe he may be killed in battle.
  • Eren’s death would undoubtedly have a significant impact on the story, as he is one of the central characters and has a complex relationship with other key figures.
  • The anticipation for the final season and the resolution of Eren’s fate has created a buzz among fans, who eagerly await the reveal.
  • As the series builds toward its conclusion, viewers are left to wonder who will be the one to ultimately kill Eren and what consequences it will have on the overall narrative.
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Potential Candidates: Unveiling the List of Suspects Who Could Kill Eren

1. Mikasa Ackerman

As Eren’s loyal childhood friend and fierce protector, Mikasa Ackerman emerges as a potential candidate in the quest to uncover who might kill Eren. Throughout the Attack on Titan series, Mikasa’s unwavering dedication to Eren implies a deep bond that could potentially lead to a tragic turn of events. However, it is crucial to remember that speculation alone cannot determine the fate of a character. Authoritative advice suggests considering other possible suspects as well.

2. Levi Ackerman

Known for his exceptional combat skills and logical thinking, Levi Ackerman carries the burden of making tough decisions in the face of danger. While Levi and Eren have shared numerous battles together, their relationship is not without conflict. Levi’s responsibility as a soldier and his willingness to put humanity’s interests above all else make him a conceivable suspect. Yet, it is essential to remember that the story of Attack on Titan often surprises its audience, and it is always wise to keep an open mind.

3. Armin Arlert

Armin Arlert, the strategic genius and one of Eren’s closest friends, could potentially play a role in Eren’s mysterious fate. As the story progresses, Armin’s growth and willingness to make difficult choices become evident. However, it is crucial to approach this speculation with caution and acknowledge that the final outcome may differ from our expectations. It is best to trust the narrative and allow the story to unfold naturally.

4. Historia Reiss

As the true queen of the walls and a character with a complex background, Historia Reiss cannot be overlooked as a possible candidate to kill Eren. Her position of power and potential involvement in crucial plot developments make her an intriguing possibility. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that the true intentions and actions of characters can often diverge from what we initially assume. Only time will reveal the ultimate fate of Eren.

5. The Marleyan Government

The Marleyan government, a powerful entity with its own agenda, cannot be excluded from the list of potential suspects. With their history of manipulation and control, it is not far-fetched to imagine that they could play a pivotal role in Eren’s destiny. However, it is important to approach this speculation with caution and rely on authoritative advice, as the story’s intricate plot twists and turns may surprise us all.

6. The Titans Themselves

Considering the overarching theme of Titans and their connection to the fate of humanity, it is plausible that the Titans themselves could be involved in the eventual demise of Eren. With their mysterious origins and immense power, the Titans pose a formidable threat. However, it is crucial to remember that our assumptions may not align with the story’s direction. Trust in the narrative and enjoy the journey as the mystery unfolds.

7. The Unknown

Lastly, it is important to acknowledge that the fate of Eren might lie in the hands of an unknown character or unforeseen plot twist. Attack on Titan has never shied away from surprising its audience, and it is wise to keep an open mind when considering potential suspects. Speculation can be thrilling, but it is best to let the story unfold naturally and trust the creative vision of the author.


While the list of potential suspects who could kill Eren is intriguing, it is crucial to approach this speculation with open-mindedness and acknowledge that the story may take unexpected turns. Trust in the narrative and enjoy the thrilling journey as Attack on Titan unveils the mysterious fate of its protagonist.

Foreshadowing and Symbolism: Analyzing Hidden Hints Pointing to Eren’s Fate

Attack on Titan has captivated audiences with its thrilling storyline and complex characters. One character who has constantly kept fans on the edge of their seats is none other than the protagonist, Eren Yeager. As the story progresses, speculations about Eren’s fate and who might be responsible for his demise have been a topic of intense debate among fans. In this blog post, we aim to delve into the realm of foreshadowing and symbolism, deciphering the hidden hints that might shed light on Eren’s ultimate fate.

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The Power of Foreshadowing

Foreshadowing plays a crucial role in storytelling, providing subtle clues that hint at future events and character outcomes. Attack on Titan is no stranger to this narrative device, often leaving breadcrumbs for keen-eyed viewers to follow. Let’s explore some of the key instances of foreshadowing that might indicate Eren’s impending doom.

  1. The Dream Sequence: One of the most intriguing foreshadowing moments occurs in a dream sequence early on in the series. Eren envisions a desolate landscape with the ominous presence of a titan looming over him. This dream could be interpreted as a foretelling of Eren’s eventual transformation into a titan and the consequential dangers he will face.
  2. The Titan’s Curse: Throughout the series, a recurring theme is the curse of being a titan shifter. It is hinted that those who possess the titan’s power have a limited lifespan, leading to their untimely demise. As we know, Eren is not exempt from this curse, and this foreshadowing suggests that his fate might be sealed.
  3. The Prophecy: In Attack on Titan, prophecies hold a significant weight in shaping the story. In one of the prophecies mentioned, it is foretold that a great tragedy will befall humanity, and a chosen one will emerge to bear the burden of saving them. Could this be a foreshadowing of Eren’s heroic sacrifice, ultimately leading to his demise?

Symbolism: Decoding Hidden Meanings

Symbolism serves as a powerful tool in storytelling, adding depth and layers to a narrative. Attack on Titan expertly incorporates symbolism, and by analyzing these symbols, we may uncover further hints towards Eren’s impending fate.

  1. The Wings of Freedom: The iconic Wings of Freedom symbol represents humanity’s relentless pursuit of freedom and the desire to break free from the shackles of oppression. However, some fans have interpreted it as a symbol of Eren’s eventual sacrifice for the greater good, as wings often symbolize freedom in death.
  2. The Tree of Life: In the world of Attack on Titan, the Tree of Life stands tall as a symbol of hope and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Interestingly, this symbolic tree often appears in scenes connected to Eren, hinting at his profound connection to the fate of humanity.
  3. The Colossal Titan: The Colossal Titan, a massive and fearsome creature, is one of the central antagonists of the series. Its towering presence could be seen as a metaphorical representation of the overwhelming burdens Eren carries, suggesting that his fate might be intertwined with defeating this formidable foe.

It is important to note that while foreshadowing and symbolism offer valuable insights, they do not guarantee an accurate prediction of Eren’s fate. Attack on Titan is known for its unpredictable plot twists and narrative surprises. However, analyzing these hidden hints can make the viewing experience even more engaging and thought-provoking.

As we eagerly await the conclusion of Attack on Titan, it is crucial to remember that a multitude of factors could influence Eren’s ultimate fate. The power of foreshadowing and symbolism should be appreciated as tools that enhance our understanding and enjoyment of the story, rather than concrete predictors of the protagonist’s destiny.

What are your thoughts on Eren’s fate? Do you believe these foreshadowing moments and symbolism hold weight in determining his ultimate demise? Let us know in the comments below!

Theories and Speculations: Fans’ Predictions on Who Will Ultimately Take Eren’s Life

Eren Yeager, the fearless protagonist of the hit anime series Attack on Titan, has captivated audiences worldwide with his relentless determination and unwavering resolve. As the story nears its conclusion, fans are left wondering about Eren’s ultimate fate and who will be responsible for ending his life. In this blog post, we delve into various theories and speculations put forth by devoted fans, shedding light on the possible contenders for the grim task of killing Eren.

1. Levi Ackerman: The Unbreakable Soldier

One popular theory among fans revolves around Levi Ackerman, the skilled and stoic soldier known for his impeccable combat skills. Levi’s strong bond with Eren, forged through years of fighting side by side, adds an emotional layer to this theory. As the two characters share a complex relationship, some speculate that Levi might be the one to ultimately take Eren’s life, driven by a sense of duty and the belief that it is for the greater good.

However, it is vital to remember that Attack on Titan is a story that often defies expectations. While Levi seems like a plausible candidate, it is essential not to dismiss other possibilities and keep an open mind.

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2. Mikasa Ackerman: Love and Loyalty

Mikasa Ackerman, a skilled fighter and one of Eren’s closest allies, is another character often theorized to be Eren’s potential killer. Mikasa’s unwavering loyalty and deep affection for Eren make her an intriguing candidate. Some speculate that a tragic turn of events, a betrayal, or a sacrifice might lead Mikasa to be the one who ultimately takes Eren’s life, driven by her love for him and the willingness to protect humanity at any cost.

However, it is crucial to remember that theories are only speculative, and the story’s progression might surprise us all. While Mikasa’s connection with Eren is strong, there are other factors to consider when predicting the future of Attack on Titan’s protagonist.

3. Armin Arlert: Intellectual Brilliance

Armin Arlert, the strategic genius and close friend of Eren, is also a contender in fans’ predictions. Known for his tactical thinking and ability to devise ingenious plans, Armin has proven himself as a valuable asset in the fight against the Titans. Some fans believe that Armin’s sharp intellect and willingness to make difficult decisions might lead him to be the one to kill Eren, offering a bittersweet resolution to the story.

It is important to note that these theories are based on fans’ speculations and interpretations of the series. The true outcome remains a mystery, and the creators of Attack on Titan might have something entirely different in store for us.

4. An Unforeseen Twist: The Unexpected Culprit

Attack on Titan is known for its unpredictable plot twists and shocking revelations. Therefore, it is entirely conceivable that the person who ultimately kills Eren might be someone completely unexpected. The series has introduced various characters with hidden motives and unexplored depths, leaving room for a surprising turn of events.

As fans, it is essential to keep an open mind and embrace the uncertainty of the story’s conclusion. Trying to predict the exact outcome might limit our enjoyment of the series and prevent us from appreciating the intricate storytelling that Attack on Titan offers.

In Conclusion

While fans eagerly speculate about who might ultimately take Eren’s life, the only certainty is that Attack on Titan will offer a gripping and emotionally charged conclusion. Theories and predictions are part of the joy of being a fan, but it is vital to remember that the true outcome lies solely in the hands of the creators. As we eagerly await the series’ finale, let us embrace the uncertainty and savor the climactic moments that will shape the fate of Eren Yeager.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will Eren die in Attack on Titan?

No one can say for certain what will happen to Eren in Attack on Titan. The fate of the protagonist is still a mystery and will be revealed as the story unfolds.

2. Has Eren’s death been foreshadowed in the series?

There have been various moments in the series that could be interpreted as foreshadowing Eren’s potential death. However, it is important to note that these are just speculations and the true outcome is yet to be revealed.

3. Who could potentially kill Eren?

While it is uncertain who could potentially kill Eren, there are several characters who have been depicted as potential threats or adversaries to him. This includes characters like Reiner, Zeke, or even other members of the Survey Corps.

4. Is there any official information about Eren’s fate?

As of now, there is no official information about Eren’s fate. The creators and authors of Attack on Titan have kept the storyline closely guarded, adding to the suspense and intrigue surrounding Eren’s ultimate destiny.

5. What are the popular theories about Eren’s fate?

There are numerous theories circulating among fans about Eren’s fate. Some speculate that he might sacrifice himself to save humanity, while others believe he might turn into a villain and cause destruction. These theories are based on hints and clues within the series but have not been confirmed.

6. When will we find out what happens to Eren?

The exact timing of when we will find out what happens to Eren is uncertain. It depends on the pacing of the story and the decisions made by the creators. As the series progresses, we can expect the revelation of Eren’s fate to be a major turning point.

7. Is there a chance Eren will survive until the end of the series?

While there is a chance that Eren might survive until the end of the series, it is impossible to determine at this stage. Attack on Titan is known for its unpredictable twists and turns, leaving fans guessing about the fate of its characters until the very end.